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Dress Code

Dress Code (PreK-5)

As it is impossible to include every fad or inappropriate item of clothing; therefore, the administration reserves the right to interpret the appropriateness of all student dress (as noted in the county discipline code).

  1. Shoes and shirts must be worn at all times.
  2. In regards to skirts, pants, shorts, shirts, and blouses: skirts, pants, and shorts must be fastened and worn above the hipbone, fitting at the inseam and at the waistline. No exposed undergarments are allowed. Shirt straps must be 2 fingers in width. No cleavage or midriff shall be visible. No sheer or “see through” clothing shall be worn. No sleepwear shall be worn; including bedroom slippers (with exception of pajama day).
  3. The “3x5” rule in regards to attire: (using a 3x5 card) all dress and skirt lengths will be no shorter than 3” above the knee. All shorts lengths will be no shorter than 5” above the knee. The highest point of any slit in a dress or skirt must be no shorter than 5” above the knee. No holes, rips, or tears whatsoever shall be in clothing higher than 5” above the knee.
  4. No headgear shall be worn in the building. This includes hats, ball caps, sunglasses, bandanas, scarves, handkerchiefs, or hoodies (with exception of hats on Friday).
  5. No outlandishly colored or styled hair and/or makeup. The administration will determine what constitutes “outlandish” in terms of style and color. This includes black makeup/lipstick. 
  6. Contacts must appear to be natural looking and be a naturally occurring color. 
  7. No choke chains, wallet chains, studs, dog collars, or heavy metal "jewelry.” 
  8. No visible body piercing other than the ear lobes. This means no eyebrow piercings, lip piercings, or nose piercings.
  9. No item of clothing, jewelry, or headgear shall contain the following: any language, graphics, symbols, or slogans that are not in keeping with the values of the community. Suggestive language, graphics, symbols, or slogans. Any references (language, graphics, symbols, or slogans) that can be considered demeaning to others. Profane language, graphics, symbols, or slogans. Any references (language, graphics, symbols, or slogans) to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or gangs.